
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Sun Crow Quarantine

In the midst of the Pandemic scare that is the Covid-19 fiasco, we're finding more and more of our ranks, that is to say the working class, experiencing our livelihoods and ability to travel disrupted. Meanwhile, there's talk of the government stepping in and placing a moratorium on rent and mortgage deadlines until the situation is normalized. That's a nice thought, but let's not forget that the government is primarily responsible for the industry and travel bans that have put people in this predicament in the first place. The limitations that are being imposed upon us are either imminent or already here. So far the relief being offered is merely speculative. So anxieties are high and, understandably, all eyes are on the 'Rona. So this is my headspace going into the realization I had that I'm about to unpack and run with. (The Oliver Hibert Tarot) The Corona virus, Covid-19, evokes solar imagery for anybody with even a passing familiarity with the Ta...

Tarot del Fuego - The Devil - 15

The TdF's Devil is a big red guy with a serpent's body, covered in tattoos and eyeballs. There are 21 in total, but only 17 of them appear to be a functional part of him. The other four are merely tattooed onto his chest. In the background there are a mountain, a house, and a Sun which are split in half. He has his big hands wrapped around the necks of two smaller blue serpent-people creatures. They are blue and wearing black and yellow-striped shirts. One is male, the other is female, one's head is upside down, the other's right side up. One's stripes are vertical, the other's horizontal. One has a human nose, the other a pig nose. They are apparently the same type of creature, but have a collection of differences that are mostly exactly the opposite of the corresponding trait in the other, similar to the sexual dimorphism (sex/gender-based physiological differences) found in humans. They appear to be his servants, and happy to be in that position. They look li...

Tarot del Fuego - Temperance - 14

There are 3 suns and 4 eyeballs/moons in this card. This adds up to 7 celestial bodies. Thus, this card represents the culmination of a cycle that started with 7, the Chariot. The Sun and the Moon are opposites, and Temperance is very much about opposites and their interaction. The backdrop is very cloud-forward, with a lot of stars. The overall feel is very celestial, and also airy-feeling. This is appropriate because this archetype is a faculty of the mind. More on that to follow. The central figure of the card, too, has only stars and night sky where their face should be. The figure is obviously some sort of divinity or angel. In fact, it is the witness/I-am consciousness/ Purusha symbolized by the Hanged Man. The message here is that Consciousness is the real doer. Consciousness is the sole actor in this drama. Consciousness is the animator, even of the mind and the intellect. The angel has four arms. The upper right hand is shooting water into a cornucopia held by the lower r...

Tarot del Fuego - Death - 13

The Principle that the Tarot calls "Death" corresponds to the constellation of Scorpio, which is co-ruled by the disruptive planet, Mars, and the transformative planet, Pluto. It wouldn't be wrong to regard the two planets as octave iterations of the same energy. Scorpio is associated with the interrelated themes of sex and death. The Hebrew letter that corresponds to Death is Nun , a fish. In his Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages , Paul Foster Case tells us that, as a verb, Nun means "to sprout" or "to grow." He attributes this to the fish being an animal that reproduces prolifically. As such they are also a symbol that represents the sexual impulse itself. The corpses of fish are high in nitrogen and, for that reason, have been recognized as a good fertilizer of food crops probably for as long as people have been engaged in agrarian activity. This image - the corpse, its decay and putrefaction, and what was once a rotten fish becoming a nutri...

Tarot del Fuego - The Hanged Man - 12

Originally, the Hanged Man was associated only with the Element of Water. The modern planetary correspondence attributed to it is Neptune, named after the Greek god of the ocean. Either would explain the Hanged Man's scaly Aquaman pants. The Hebrew letter attributed to the card is mem , which literally means "seas," but is understood to mean "water," more generically. The significance of the Hanged Man's inversion, in conjunction with his association with water, is that it is meant to imply that he is a reflection of the archetypes which have come before him in the same way that a person's reflection appears to be upside down, relative to them, when they're standing over a pool. The previous card (Strength in this deck) was the last of the five kañcukas , placing this Principle at a lower level in the hierarchy of manifestation, and making it the first of the Principles that are regarded as belonging to the physical world. What is being implied, ...

Tarot del Fuego - Strength - 11

The TdF's Strength depicts a young girl in the mouth of a sea dragon; some sort of serpentine fish. Incidentally, the Hebrew letter associated with Strength is Teth , a snake. This is representative of Kuṇdalinī , AKA the Serpent-power. It has 21 eyes like the Tarot has 21 Major Arcana beneath the Fool. We could infer that the seabeast is the Fool itself, in that it contains all of the other Principles within itself. To the left and the right of the girl are two swords, which represent the Element of Air. Air, in turn, represents thought, the mind, and the astral realm. Although she has a stump where one of her legs should be, she seems to be triumphing over the beast, or at least in harmony with it, without making use of the swords. She possesses an awakened third eye. Thus, her strength lies in knowledge (the 3rd eye), but not in the sort of knowledge that is the domain of the mind (swords). Neither does her strength lie in literal violence. According to the Tantrik teaching on...

Tarot del Fuego - The Wheel of Fortune - 10

The Wheel of Fortune corresponds to the planet Jupiter, if we are looking at it through an astrological lens. Jupiter is lucky, beneficient, expanding, high-minded, and synthesizing. In Hindu dharma, Jupiter (Bṛhaspati) is the Guru of the gods. Traditionally forecasting good fortune in a divinatory context, barring card positions or other card content that help to tell a different story, the TdF's Wheel of Fortune is uncharacteristically chaotic. I like that its symbols don't necessarily encourage a one-dimensional take on a reading that involve it, and encourage consideration of the archetype from all angles. The eyes, which are ubiquitous throughout the deck, show us that, even as Consciousness descends further and further into the sphere of Matter and diversity, Unity-in-diversity persists as an underlying fact. The creature at the top of the wheel is a harpy, which is a personification of the storm winds. The Norse god Thor, is a storm god and corresponds to Jupiter. ...

Tarot del Fuego - The Hermit - 9

The Hermit holds a lighthouse in his left hand. His eyes are covered, indicating that this beacon is an inner light. Astrologically, he is Virgo, the Virgin. In his right hand he holds a blue and black serpent staff, from which issues a black storm cloud, rain, and lightning. Like Lord Ganesha who holds both the noose and the goad that steers us clear of it, the Hermit at once disburses the storm and offers us safe harbor from the turbulence of thought and body-mind identification that occult our own true nature from ourselves. The snake staff runs to the bottom of the plate, where it is seen to be intertwined, copulating, with a red serpent who is crawling on the ground. These serpents are the vibratory pulsations that spontaneously radiate from pure unconditioned Consciousness (The Fool/ Paramashiva / Brahman ). These fluttering pulsations go on to become what the Tantrikas call the mutually adapted senses and their objects represented by later cards of the Major Arcana. The com...

Tarot del Fuego: 9 of Pentacles

The most prominent feature of the image, for me, is the vesica piscis shaped portal in the person’s chest/abdomen. The vesica piscis conjures associations with doors, vaginas, fish, sex, manifestation, initiation, endings/beginnings, and traveling between worlds. In particular, I am inclined to hone in on the themes of manifestation and the sexual nature of manifestation (for a crash course in this, I recommend the YouTube video by Lon Milo DuQuette on the Sexual Alchemy of the Thoth Tarot). It’s a very visceral, material, and carnal card. The fire 🔥 makes me think of the expression “lighting a fire under their ass.” Given that context, for me, the card carries connotations, not only of manifestation, but the motivation to make things happen that is its prerequisite. Back to the fish symbolism of the vesica piscis (think the Christian IXOYE fish symbol), this is reinforced by the fish hooks that are pulling the cavity open in this shape. This invokes two Tarot trumps by way of their...

Tarot del Fuego Guide

The Major Arcana 0 - The Fool 1 - The Magician 2 - The High Priestess 3 - The Empress 4 - The Emperor 5 - The Hierophant 6 - The Lovers 7 - The Chariot 8 - Justice 9 - The Hermit 10 - The Wheel of Fortune 11 - Strength 12 - The Hanged Man 13 - Death 14 - Temperance 15 - The Devil 16 - The Tower 17 - The Star 18 - The Moon 19 - The Sun 20 - Judgement 21 - The World

Tarot del Fuego - Justice - 8

The TdF's Justice features a muscular inverted Lady Justice emerging from the clouds. to her right is the Sun, which represents the Light of the Self which animates and enlivens us all. To her left is a moon that looks like an eyeball, representing the High Priestess (who astrologically is the Moon). The Moon, Consciousness' power of Self-reflective awareness, here, is looking right at Lady Justice. 2 of her 5 eyes are blindfolded and her 3rd eye is closed, calling to mind the phrase, "Justice is blind." Balanced on her mouth is a scale, which is a universal symbol for justice as well. Her right and left hands hold a sword for wrath and severity and a white handkerchief for mercy, respectively. Though she must mete out punishments, she is not punitive for its own sake. "An eye for an eye and the whole world would be blind." Though she has the capacity to dole out the harsh lessons of Saturn, who is exalted in her constellation (Libra), in equal proportio...

Tarot del Fuego - The Chariot - 7

The traditional Hermetic keyword that always sticks out the most for me with the Chariot is "Victory." It shares this keyword with the seventh Sephira of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Netzach (it is worth noting, however, that the Major Arcana are the pathways between the Sephiroth, they are not the Sephiroth themselves). Why is the Chariot associated with Victory, though, in the context of Spirit's involvement with Matter? In the Tantric worldview, this principle is called Kalā ,   "Limited Agency," the power of Limited Action. This kind of seems bad at a glance. Who celebrates having restrictions imposed upon them? Well, if you are Spirit and your objective is to become involved in the sphere of Matter, this stage is a landmark success. This is the first principle where Spirit is able to act from the perspective of a specific entity. This limited power of action that the Tantrik cosmology describes is the first of a series of 5 kañchukas . Where Principles...