Tarot del Fuego - The High Priestess - 2

Love is a dynamic and inspiring throbbing of the heart. Love is the very nature of God, whom the scriptures have called the supreme Bliss, and Sacchidananda. - Play of ConsciousnessShe holds the Book of Life, in which all knowledge is recorded. It too is sentient. You could probably even get away with saying that it is sentience itself. The Priestess and her Book, in fact, are one. She is the Supreme Goddess, Chitti. She is Shakti, the power or active principle, of Spirit. She is supremely intelligent. It is the knowledge in her book that manifests as the cleverness in men and women, the wisdom of sages, and the instinct of all creatures. Some of this knowledge is inherent in our nature. A spider doesn't need an apprenticeship. It doesn't need to be licensed, bonded, or insured to spin a web. But It doesn't speak like a human or certain other creatures do without ever having made a conscious effort. So her knowledge is generally considered secret, but that's not entirely the case. What knowledge is closed off to one is natural to another. When we gain access to information that isn't inherent to our nature from the perspective of whatever type of individual form we inhabit - specifically information that we had no empirical means of gaining - we regard these as mysterious psychic abilities. But, really, we have simply transcended the bonds associated with our limited personal form and made contact with the Priestess to some extent or another, who is the active, knowing principle of our highest Self. In the Tantrik worldview, she is regarded as the reflective power of self-awareness. At this stage of manifestation, she is still at one with Shiva, but her own attributes here are emphasized, as opposed to the level of the Fool, where the two principles (Shiva and Shakti) are perfectly merged.
For the purposes of divination, the Priestess is associated with memory, intuition, a deep and natural spirituality, psychic ability, secrets, and selfless love/love independent of passion.
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