Tarot del Fuego - The Emperor - 4

The Hebrew letter corresponding to the Emperor is Heh, a window. Paul Foster Case says on the subject,
"A window admits light (knowledge) and air (life-breath, spirit) into the house (beth) of personality. It also permits outlook, survey, supervision, control, and so on." - Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the AgesIn the Tantrik model of the Principles which underlie reality, this level of manifestation is called Ishvara (Lordship). It is Shiva's own power of jnana (knowledge). The awareness characteristic at this sphere of Consciousness is said to be, "I am this; this I am." This means that, not only is there now a self referential point of Consciousness which can be identified (Empress/"I am this"), but there is a second self-referential point of Consciousness. Together, the two are capable of relating to each other as subject-and-object.
TdF's Emperor is surrounded in Martial red, symbolizing activity, force, and potency. His head is that of Aries, the ram-headed god of war, and astrological constellation which correlates to the Emperor. He is powerful. Explosive when need be. He is competent and comfortable in his authority, which is undisputed. He has the face of a man tattooed onto his torso, as if to say that the Principle is the real power behind whatever man wears that hat (or crown as it were), and he is just a shadow of a higher tier of reality. He represents the fourth stage of Spirit's journey of becoming clothed in matter. At this stage, Consciousness is manifest in multiple ways. Thus it is able to know both itself and others. The Emperor, therefore, symbolizes a special type of knowledge that wasn't possible before. Further, a type of hierarchy and stability are now manifest. He is the emblem of the father, the head of state, the law giver (Moses or Manu for example). He delineates boundaries and borders.
In a reading he symbolizes authority, reason, power, force, supervision, stability, etc.
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