Tarot del Fuego - The Hierophant - 5

The innovations that become the domain of the Hierophant, however, become enshrined and cordoned off by red tape and bureaucracy. Thus, this isn't a continued stream of innovation. In more mundane affairs, whatever it is that the Hierophant governs actually runs the risk of becoming a relic and, therefore, obsolete. At his higher harmonic iterations, however, the Hierophant is the guardian of timeless secrets capable of unraveling the very fabric of the universe itself.
The TdF's Hierophant wears a bee hive where the traditional Tarot Pope crown is ordinarily found. The hive symbolizes the hierarchy and institution that are hallmarks of the bee colony and of the Hierophant card itself. The hive has a key on it, symbolizing that the Hierophant is a gatekeeper and a guardian of knowledge. The open third eye on his forehead symbolizes that the knowledge of which he is the possessor and intermediary is of the variety that is acquired through one's own inner vision. The Hierophant's body appears to be the head of an elephant. Or maybe he is riding the elephant. They say an elephant never forgets, and this informs us as to one of the more beneficial functions of the Hierophant's office. Namely the preservation of tradition, culture, and information. This stability is a characteristic also attributed to Taurus, the constellation which is attributed to the Hierophant.
The Hierophant is associated with the Hebrew letter, Vav, which is a nail. Linguistically, it is analogous to the English word "and" in that it joins other linguistic elements together. This informs us that the Hierophant's function is to join the initiate with the knowledge guarded by his office.
The elephant's ears each have a large white candle painted on them symbolizing the Light of Consciousness that illuminates our inner vision. The fact that the candles are depicted on the elephant's ears points to a connection between the Light of Consciousness and the auditory sense. It speaks to the illumination of the sphere of Shabdabrahman (Literally "God as Sound"), the Principle represented by the Fool and the origin of mantra.
In the Tantrik worldview, the fifth Principle is called Shuddha Vidya (Pure Wisdom/Mantra). This cosmology aligns with the numerological significance of 5 as dynamism as well. It is Consciousness' own power of Action (Kriya). The link between the two themes is that mantras, considered the sonic body of the Divine, are agents of change and transformation. The awareness characteristic of Consciousness at this level of manifestation is "This am I." In other words, the awareness of "this" is most prominent, "being-ness" is next, followed by the pure unconditioned existence of the Fool/Paramashiva. Principles 0-5 are understood to be the "Pure Principles." None are separate from Consciousness at the level of the Divine. They are simply different modes of awareness that Consciousness may orient itself toward. Someone who realizes any of these spheres of reality is said to be fully enlightened and Self-realized.
In a reading, the Hierophant symbolizes all forms of institution and initiation. The courthouse, the post office, church, any type of fraternal organization or secret society, etc.
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